as i said, OMFG i got the 2nd of my Pfizer Vaccine shots. Not sure if you all know this or not, but a small tidbit about me. I have Lupus, Fibro and RA and a host of other crap. basically, i suddenly become allergic to shit. so i have this LONG list of stuff i am allergic to, one of them is VACCINES! holy shitballs, my body no likey. So playing russian roullette with my life, i go and get the vaccines. FIRST, they tell me i gotta come back in 14 days. i do that, 3 days in a row before they tell me, oh no, you can't be here for 21 days to get the 2nd shot, talk about a pain in the ass! so i finaly get the 2nd shot, i have been literally down since. FAT CHICK DOWN FOLKS!!! running a fever, all achy, i get it, it's a cold on steroids, literally. BUT HOLY SHIT BALLS BATMAN... warn a bitch would ya?
so to get thru this trying time of crapola, i been reading, when concious....trust me that is an iffy thing, half the time i lay down, i don't remember shit till the alarm goes off and i stumble from my house to wonder next door and put the neighbor's chickens in the hutch or out of it for the day. although i do remember turning on the swamp cooler. For those of you that live with a high humidity rate, swamp coolers are best in the desert and arid areas of the US for cooling, as they also put moisture in the air and help out. so neighbor has me turning on their swamper at night, this thing sounds like it's trying to either die, grind someone's bones to dust or catch fire, not sure which. the belt is loose, the bearings in motor are going out and there is no where to oil them, the SO got on the roof and was working on it, but he only gets 1 day a week off, soo yeah that sucked balls, THE ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD KNOWS WHEN THAT BITCH IS ON holy crap. i am waiting for a noise complaint or something!
this is from the lady herself!! a little about her!

I grew up in a small town with a whole lot of nothing to really do. Thankfully I have a sister that is three years older, and a brother two years older than me. While growing up we keep each other company. Though being the baby of the family earned me plenty of times being tortured by the two. One memory that comes to mind is when they tied me to a tree, turned the sprinklers on me then danced around. It wasn’t until I looked up for help only to realize my mom was video taping it. Needless to say I did not get the help that day. My family was and still are very near and dear to me. My sister is my rock that I will always call just to vent or talk to. My mom is my cheerleader, always telling me that I can and will be great. My brother is someone I call to have a good laugh. In the Untamed books and series that I am writing there are plenty of subtle messages about family. Nothing is more important to me than knowing my family is right behind me. Even if people aren’t blood related to you, family is family to the Untamed. To me that is huge. Once you’re adopted so to speak by me I will always have your back. Living with five feral children...no doubt these kids are mine. With four boys and the youngest the girl. Every day can be a comedy movie or suspense depending on the noise. There are times when I’m writing and realize the kids are far too quiet. You will never see me move from one room to the other so quickly. You will hear me more than once whispering what the hell is that smell? I cook for an army everyday. I basically run a restaurant out of my kitchen for them. I have to make sure the youngest isn’t torturing her older brothers too much during the day. My oldest who is 16, he is the hardest working, caring, second in command. He is the one I can always count on to be there and cheer me up. The second is 13...whirlwind of a child. He never stops, always at 100 when I am a possible 30 depending on caffeine intake. He is talented, draws better than most. He cares about people. He has so much love in his heart. The third is 9...this child. Has humor and imagination far beyond most. He was born missing half his right arm. One day a kid asked him what happened, which happens a lot. He looked at them without missing a beat, shrugging his shoulders..”My mom didn’t grow one for me.” To be fair he’s not wrong. He is sweet, energetic, and fearless. The fourth boy is 6 this kid is determined. He never forgets anything, always loving. You can find him bouncing from sibling to sibling to play with him. He also is his sister's protector even now. Which brings me to the wild hellcat daughter..5. The saying sweet as sugar does work with her..but she's also a spicy bowl of curry. You can always find her next to me. She loves animals so very much.. She is loud, wild and free, which my family has said many times that she is me to the letter. Nothing in my life means more to me than my kids. I do everything because of them. I would be nothing without them. I count my lucky stars that they all chose me to be their mom.When I write I like to throw in personal things about my life. Many times my mom has called and said that it was me. Little lines, memories, people, I use as inspiration for the books. My dad’s personality was used, friends first name. A funny line that a good friend said to me that made me laugh until I cried. The fact that a lot of my female characters are tomboys. The socks a character wears are my socks. Myself and parts about me are written into my stories. Then I also put in messages not only to myself but I would hope someone would take from the books. Being knocked down, loving someone, emotions are okay to have, change, and “Family” importance. Growth as a person, forgiving someone, and also letting go of someone or feelings. People ask me if it is hard to write books with having so many kids. The answer is yes..it’s loud. I have no alone time. When I am typing I look down and somehow have typed the words mom, mommy, mom over and over. I am always pausing to get something or go somewhere, or clean something up. Does all this bother me? Not at all. Those are the moments that I love. Writing comes when it comes. I am not in a hurry to finish the books. I take my time to enjoy my life as well. To make memories with my little family.

you wouldn't know it, but I grew up in Kingman, AZ about 100 miles from Vegas, it's beautiful, and yes i did alot of questionable things, like snake milking and shit. lol i can't wait to share more. but for now this is all i got, i am gonna go crawl to my couch and attempt to stay awake.
DO ME A HUGE FAVOR THO!!! Darlene Tallman's little shadow kitty Timmy, well while she was gone and having surgery herself on one of her eyes, he got a booboo on his. Please keep them both in your thoughts. all the good juju to them so that Timmy heals, He is 10 yrs old and it would be really scary if he lost his eye.
Thank you all