I really want to thank Cynthia Sax for the amazing opportunity to debut her BRAND SPANKIN NEW COVER AND BOOK!!! (in case your wondering, yes i will be preordering that sucker as soon as it's live)
So without Further Adieu!!!!!

A message from the amazeballs author herself!!
Baring Grudge Cover Reveal By Cynthia Sax
Dragon’s Book Hoarde is the very first site to share the cover for Baring Grudge! This cover has never been displayed anywhere else.
Baring Grudge is the third standalone cyborg romance in my Rebel Cyborgs series. This story will be releasing in August.
The cover is designed by the always awesome Amanda Kelsey from Razzle Dazzle Design.
Grudge is severely damaged and only has one of his own arms, which is why only one arm is visible on the cover.
He’s a cyborg and cyborgs, when they’re not waging war, are accustomed to being naked. That is why all the cyborg covers feature glorious man chest. (grins)
The turmoil in the background perfectly represents the turmoil inside Grudge.
Plus he LOVES explosives. The male loves blowing things up.
I don’t have a blurb or buy links for Baring Grudge yet. I’m still working on the first draft and often I wait to receive the cover to do that. The cover inspires me.
But I thought you might enjoy seeing it!

Okies ladies, gents, and germs, if you can't drool over that... there be something wrong with your ass. lol (seriously i am kidding)
But he is really hot for a Cyborg!! (i want a cyborg of my own, that can deal with my anti social, knife wielding, cartoon watching behavior) hahahah