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AS YOU CAN SEE I AM LOSING MY EVER LOVING MIND... oh wait i had to have one first. ok well on to the questions.... i am really thankful that Cee and Ciara where so very nice and answered my questions so we can get to know them.... soo first


now remember this is only HALF the questions... next half will be friday!

When did you know you wanted to be a writer? I can’t say when it changed from being an avid reader, to someone who wondered if they could write a book, maybe 25 years ago. I never thought I’d actually be able to write a whole book, let alone publish one and have people read it and want more.

Do you have a favorite type of hero or heroine to write? The big alpha, protective, macho man who really isn’t a chauvinist, he’s just protective and has to learn that his woman is as strong or stronger than him. Heroine is a feisty one, with backbone. Maybe not all the time and she has insecurities like everyone else, but she’ll stand the line with her man and those she loves and wants to protect.

How long have you been writing, and how long did it take before your first book was published? I started writing my first book, Terror’s Temptress, in August 2019. I wrote solid for 6-7 months then agonized for a couple before publishing it in April 2020.

Do you have a routine you follow when you’re working on a book? A certain time of day when you write, or a snack you keep nearby? Never a set time. I’m a terrible insomniac, so it can be six a.m. one day and four p.m. the next when I sit down. However, I usually write six days a week at least something. I average 5000 or more words at a day. Best one day total was almost 18,000 words. I was possessed that day. I rarely snack, just drink iced tea or coffee. Don’t try to get me to drink water, yuck! No way.

When you’re writing, do you prefer silence or background noise? Some days I want quiet and others Five Finger Death Punch music. Never know when or why, or it could switch to country music. Sometimes the scene I’m writing dictates it.

Did anyone give you writing advice when you were first getting started? Do you think it helped? No one. Only my husband thought I could and should try it. He didn’t know anything about the process either. After I published is when I got a little bit here and there when I found someone, I thought I could ask. Some things helped but then other things didn’t apply. I’ve learned a ton since that I wish I’d known ahead of time. If I can ever find time, my husband said I need to write an Indie handbook from what I experienced. Tell new authors what to do or not to do.

and how does this stack up to Cee (in case you didn't realize i have a huge girl crush on both cuz they are so talented)

When did you know you wanted to be a writer? I remember thinking up stories when I was younger, but the first time I ever told anyone the stories I was imagining was when I was in my early twenties. I used to tell my nieces stories before bedtime about a young girl who was a time traveler.

I guess that was about the time I decided that I wanted to write a book of my own.

Do you have a favorite type of hero or heroine to write?

As far as heroine’s go, she’s gotta be badass. Not just in a physical sense, although I do appreciate that too, but she’s needs to be strong inside and know her worth. Now, for the hero, he needs to be a man of strong character who’s weathered a few storms but still maintains that mushy center that lets him love a woman like she deserves.

How long have you been writing, and how long did it take before your first book was published?

I started writing just a few years ago and published the first book within a month of finishing it. Oh, the things I’ve learned since then! I didn’t have an editor – and couldn’t have afforded one if I knew how to find one anyway. Luckily I have an excellent editor now, and she’s slowly working her way through my early books while still trying to keep up with my writing and release schedule.

Do you have a routine you follow when you’re working on a book? A certain time of day when you write, or a snack you keep nearby?

I work best in the early morning or very late at night. I like to sit on my porch with my laptop and listen to the cicadas and the neighborhood sounds while I write, and only go in if the weather’s too hot or too cold.

I’m happy to say I’m getting a ‘bitch barn’ or ‘she shed’ – whatever you want to call it. It should be delivered to my backyard in a few months, and then my husband and his pals will outfit it to be my new office. I’ll be able to work in there with light coming in through the windows, and a heater and AC to help out when they’re needed. I’m very excited about my new space, and can’t wait to get moved in there, although I’ll probably still spend a lot of time out on the porch.

As far as snacks go, it varies. Beef jerky or spicy Chicharrón are my favorites, but when I want to nibble on something sweet, I go for Kool-Aid grapes or my favorite ice cream.

next up will be the rest. do you have questions? send them to me and i will ask. dont' forget that Cee Bowerman and Ciara St. James have Facebook groups to get to know them and their books!!!

this is Cee Bowerman's Rojo Group

and this is Ciara St. James Dublin Falls Group


don't forget to stalk these ladies with me (nicely please) they are amazeballs people and amazing authors. you will enjoy them all!



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