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ya know if my head wasn't attached!!!


I would so loose it. So wondering how you all are doing?? My good friend and fellow HOMC OC members Debbie Mitchell and Leslie Staffey had a book come out, So did Jessica Coulter Smith under her pen Harley Wylde. HOLY SMOLY the beginning of the week was epic in the new books department.

Our own amazeballs Cee Bowerman had Luke come out this week (it's amazing) and Ciara St. James has PitBull coming out soon!!! ya'll really need to check those books out!

SO ON TO THE INSANITY.... aka rest of the author questions, lol ya know cuz i am a total dorkus moronica!


What is the scariest thing you face as a writer? How do you handle it?

What if the readers absolutely hate my next book? What if someone finds something about my writing and starts a campaign to get rid of me? What if Amazon decides to cancel me for some reason? What if something happens and I can’t write anymore – and all the people who are hanging out on the edges of the books I’ve written never get their stories?

Those are just a few of the little nuggets of anxiety I deal with daily. I handle it by just keeping my head down and letting my fingers fly. I can’t please everyone, and I’m not really going to try to. If I did, then my stories wouldn’t be me, and that’s what people seem to like so far.

So far, I’ve written about MC life with the Knights, Kings and Time Served. I wrote about family with the Conners, and now the Tempests. The Rojo series is taking care of some much-loved characters who don’t specifically belong to any of those groups.

But what I really want to write soon is a paranormal series, and I’m terrified that my readers will hate the change. I have so many ideas about the world I want to create though, that I’m going to have to dive in and take the chance. I just hope they stick with me and even if they’re not paranormal fans to begin with, maybe they’ll give my books a chance and it opens a whole new genre for them.

That’s dreaming big, but it’s gotten me this far, so I’m going to risk it.

Writers Block. Is it a problem and if so, what do you do to break through and start writing again?

If a storyline stumps me – or upsets me – I do things like draw out the house plans for the characters or jump into another series for a while.

When I wrote Kari’s story in the Rojo series (it’s not out yet – it will be released in October of this year) it really got to me. It seemed that a lot of Kari’s experiences were things I’d lived through myself. That was hard to write, and I had to step away from it for a while and write another book before I could go back.

I avoided writing Clem’s book but for a totally different reason. Clem’s story comes out this December and it will be the final one of the Kings. The fact that the series is so close to my heart and the characters feel like family to me made the story hard to write. It was the end of a big chunk of my life, and by writing it I had to address that. I’ve consoled myself with the fact that Martha Forrester got her wish and has LOTS of babies to cuddle with – meaning I have a chance to write the second generation and revisit the much loved characters while creating little pieces of them in their children – while they get their happily ever afters too.

Right now I’m in the middle of writing Chess’s book for the Conners – and that will be the final book in that series. I’m trying to avoid finishing it by doing all sorts of ‘housekeeping’ stuff with travel plans, hotel reservations, and shopping on Amazon for organizational stuff to use in my new office when it gets here.

If I don’t finish writing it, then the series can’t end, right? Wrong. It has to be done and I’ll finish it. Soon. Maybe tomorrow….

Is there a book, movie, or song that inspires you when you’re working?

I listen to Queen all the time, and 80’s hair bands a lot. They’re just good music that bring back memories from my younger days, and can play in the background while I’m writing.

When I was thinking of Kari’s story and where to go with it, I heard a song on the radio called ‘Chances Are’ by Bob Seger and Martina McBride. I got my inspiration for her story from the lyrics to that song.

I get ideas from things I see or hear about all the time – a news story (Rowdy’s story in Lucky Forever), a funny video (Luke’s story has one of the funniest scenes I’ve ever written in it) or memories of people I’ve known over the years inspire me. Sonny’s character is based on a man I knew years ago – that had his eyes and his history. It’s more of a ‘what could have been’ for me, I guess, than other books I’ve written.

People around me inspire me more than anything. My husband is the guy that gives me the inspiration for most of the men in my books. My little brother’s ability to get any baby that he holds in his arms asleep within minutes is where I got that for Kale. My brother’s dyslexia came out in Tucker’s story. My sister’s Alopecia was the inspiration for Sarah’s character, and Martha’s ferocious love for Smokey and her family comes from how I am with the ones I love.

Imagining what the men in my life would do if they were faced with some of the things the guys are is a pretty good basis for how the men in my books react – with deadly force and accuracy when their families are threatened.

I guess none of what I just said has anything to do with reading, but I’ll leave it in case you can use it somewhere LOL

As a writer, I’m sure you also love reading. Do you have a favorite book and what do you love about it?

My favorite romance book is still ‘For the Roses’ by Julie Garwood. I love how Mary Rose is stronger than anyone gives her credit for and she’s surrounded by brothers who love her so much they’ll sacrifice anything to keep her safe. I’ve read that book dozens of times and still devour it like it’s the first read every single time I open it.

I’m that way with Sweet Liar and A Knight In Shining Armor by Jude Devereaux too. I love how her stories span years and years – but seem to all be connected by the Taggerts and the Montgomerys.

My favorite vampire romance series starts with ‘Forever and the Night’ by Linda Lael Miller. I almost named my son Aiden because of that book, but I think my very favorite vampire has to be Valerian. His story is part of that series too.

I am a huge Tom Clancy fan – and Jack Ryan is my lifelong book boyfriend. I’ve read everything Mr. Clancy wrote more than once. I feel the same about Stephen King. The Stand is my go to read from him, although it was a little creepy to read during 2020 – I must say.

I love to read anything by Lani Lynn Vale, Susan Stoker, Irish Winters, Lexi Blake . . . the list goes on and on and I can’t pick a favorite current author or series. There are just too many to choose from!

If someone told you tomorrow that you could no longer write and had to pick some other job, what would you choose and why?

I would want to be a party planner. I love to plan parties, receptions, weddings and birthday parties. I make lists of my lists and have ideas for everything from the décor to the finger foods. I helped my best friend’s son plan his proposal just a few weeks ago – and enjoyed every second of it! I suppose that if it was a job I wouldn’t enjoy it nearly as much as I do now, but I think I’m pretty good at it and might be able to make a living.

I wouldn’t like it nearly as much as I love writing though.

In addition to your writing, do you have another job that helps pay the bills? Is it something you consider to be your passion, or just something you feel you’re good at doing?

I was able to quit working my day job about a year and a half ago, thanks to my husband. He encouraged me to take writing seriously, and I was able to quit the job that was giving me daily headaches and keeping Tums in business because of my constant heartburn.

If you have a designated writing space, can you describe it for us?

My front porch in the mornings when I wake up until about 2:00 when I lose my shade, then my back patio when it’s really hot outside – and soon to be my she-shed.

What do you think is the most important thing to remember when following your dreams?

Never give up, and as long as what you’re doing isn’t hurting anyone then don’t stop. Don’t listen to the voice in your head that gives you doubts or negative people who try to crush your dreams – put your chin up, shoulders back and be bold. Chase your dreams and then when you find them hold on tight and ride the wave as long as it makes you happy.

Marketing. I know most authors have a love/hate relationship with it. Have you found that to be true, and do you have any recommendations for new or aspiring authors?

My biggest piece of advice would be to remember what it’s like to be a reader – and how much you loved hearing about new releases and talking about characters. Get to know the people who spend their hard-earned money and their precious time reading what you’ve created and talk to them personally. Interact as much as you can and make friends with people of all walks of life who love the world you’ve created as much as you do.

At what age did you know you wanted to be a writer, and how long did it take for you to realize that dream?

What advice do you have for those who think they want to write professionally?

Stop deleting what you write even when you lose the inspiration you had when you started that book, even if it’s just a chapter or two. You might have a flash and go back to it someday.

Give it all of your heart and the people who read your book will see that and appreciate it.

We know that you write romances. Do you write anything else, even if it’s under a different name?

I’m going to branch out to paranormal soon, and I have some ideas for a crime series too. And a serial killer series….if that’s even possible.

Movies. Books. Which do you prefer and what genre/trope do you lean toward the most when wanting to escape for a bit?

BOOKS! I can’t sit still long enough to watch a movie. I either start fiddling with my phone or get up and walk off to do something else. If I can’t do that, then I fall asleep. I’ve spent lots of money on movie tickets that just gave me the opportunity for a nap that gave me a crick in my neck.

It drives my husband nuts because he’s a huge movie buff.

If you were stuck on an uninhabited island, who would you want to have with you and why? What are the top five items you’d wish you had there?

My husband (he is a thinker, and if he’s given a minute or two he can find a solution for anything – and he’s one hell of a cook even when he has weird ingredients), my little brother (he’s just like my husband – he can figure out how to fix anything but he also likes to fish so that would give us a good food source), my brother-in-law (if we were on an island, he’d be the professor from Gilligan’s island – but he’d be much more successful in getting us rescued), Ciara St. James’ husband Tony (because he’s got so much knowledge in his head that we’d always have food/shelter/medical care), and I guess Joe Koy (that man makes me laugh so hard I cry every time I hear him. He’d be the comic relief).

I’d need a good sharp knife, a whetstone, a pistol, ammunition and a kindle with unlimited battery and 10,000 books predownloaded on it.

Now, let’s talk a little about your current book…

1. What’s the title of your current release and is it part of a series? Chef just came out on August 1st and it’s part of Time Served MC. Luke comes out on August 15th, and it’s part of the Texas Kings MC series. (It’s going to make heads explode, so I’m preparing for that.)

2. Who published [INSERT TITLE]? Self-published

3. Your cover looks amazing. Do you know who the artist is? My sister is a professional photographer, and she’s taken all the pictures that I’ve used. I like to have real looking guys on mine jst to be different, and until the Tempests, you couldn’t ever see their faces so you had to use your imagination and the descriptions inside the book to create the characters. Taylor Dawn does the graphics on the newer books, and also the interiors for me.

4. Was there something in particular that inspired you to write this story?

Luke’s book sort of came to me randomly – and that’s all I can say about that.

5. If there’s one thing a reader will take away from this story, what do you hope it is?

If there’s one thing to take away from Luke’s book it would be that as long as you’re alive there’s always time for a second chance.

6. Any funny stories you can share about writing this book, or something that sparked the idea for it?

One part of the book has to do with a yoga ball being used as a desk chair. I fell for that….literally. I stabbed the damn thing too, then left it’s shriveled carcass in my office floor for more than a week and cussed it every time I walked by.


Marketing. I know most authors have a love/hate relationship with it. Have you found that to be true, and do you have any recommendations for new or aspiring authors? The first time I heard the word pimping your books, I thought WTH? I didn’t even go on Facebook. There should be a central listing or something of pages and groups. It was so hard finding ones to be in and then what you can and should do. My advice is explore them all when you find them, join together with like-minded authors, post in a few and watch which give you more of a response in readership. Be active in them, don’t just pimp. It’s going to take you being in a lot of them at first. One or two won’t do it.

When your readers start recommending you in other sites, it’s the best thing in the world. I’m now having merch from B&D Sassy Kreations which is helping with marketing now. They do the merch for me, Cee Bowerman, Penny Anglene, Lola Wright and possibly some new writers soon. It’s composed of two good friends, Brea and Penny. They sell merchandise at I love they are always coming up with new things and will be adding them regularly. It won’t become stale.

At what age did you know you wanted to be a writer, and how long did it take for you to realize that dream? I always was a reader, and around 25 thought I’d like to write a book. I published six months before my 50th birthday.

What advice do you have for those who think they want to write professionally? Read, read, read and keep a notebook handy. I get ideas and snippets all the time. Mainly in the shower (hot water and relaxing does something to me), when I’m just waking up, driving, watching television, and listening to music. The list goes on. You won’t remember to write it down later. Do it when it happens or as soon as possible afterward.

We know that you write romances. Do you write anything else, even if it’s under a different name? Not yet, though I have an idea for a children’s series.

Movies. Books. Which do you prefer and what genre/trope do you lean toward the most when wanting to escape for a bit? Always books are number one and I love romances (contemporary, MC, paranormal and historical). As for televisions/ movies, action ones, CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds then things like the Jane Austen books made into movies and dare I say it, Harry Potter, total Gryffindor here. Hermione is the bomb!

If you were stuck on an uninhabited island, who would you want to have with you and why? What are the top five items you’d wish you had there?

Fire, weapon, Book, water, and a hot sexy man to worship me like a goddess! That man would be my muse, the man that at almost 51 I would go through childbirth for again, Shemar Moore (call me)…LOL As for who to be with me, since I want Shemar there, I can’t take anyone else. Sorry Tony (that’s my husband) eek.

Now, let’s talk a little about your current book…

1. What’s the title of your current release and is it part of a series? Rebel’s Firecracker coming August 19, 2021 it’s book 2 in the Hunters Creek Archangel’s Warriors MC which is the first spin off of the original series Dublin Falls Archangel’s Warriors MC

2. Who published Rebel’s Firecracker? My company Ciara St James LLC through Kindle Direct Publishing

3. Your cover looks amazing. Do you know who the artist is? The people are a variety of stock photos from Deposit Photo, Shutterstock and Adobe stock. My original cover creator was Niki Ellis Design and now I use Dark Water Covers. However, the Ares Infidels MC, that I do with Cee Bowerman’s Time Served MC, those photos for both of us were all taken by her sister, Jessica Johnson Photography in Amarillo, Texas.

4. Was there something in particular that inspired you to write this story? Yeah, a lot of my books have personal tragedy and terrible things that either are in the news, or I’ve known or experienced them myself. I think we can all learn, grow and heal if we know that all of us have someone we can rely on out there.

5. If there’s one thing a reader will take away from this story, what do you hope it is? A HEA isn’t without issues, misunderstandings or real life. I’ll try to get more than one emotion out of you. That could be anger or even throwing your phone or kindle (as one of my good friends did on one of my books). I’ll try to make you feel and empathize while giving you that HEA, no cheating and steamy love scenes.

6. Any funny stories you can share about writing this book, or something that sparked the idea for it? Off the top of my head, no. I actually wrote this originally in July 2020, so if there was something funny, I don’t recall. The spark was a reoccurring theme you see in some of my books, human trafficking. I was appalled when I researched it and found out how prevalent it is, not just in the world but the U.S. Don’t ever think it couldn’t happen. Millions are forced into this kind of slavery every day. My heart goes out to anyone who has suffered any one of the different forms of it.

1- Terror's Temptress

2- Savage's Princess

3- Steel & Hammer's Hellcat

4- Menace's Siren

5- Ranger's Enchantress

6- Ghost's Beauty

7- Viper's Vixen

8- Devil Dog's Precious

9- Blaze's Spitfire

10- Smoke's Tigress

11- Hawk’s Huntress

12- Storm’s Flame

Ares Infidels MC- A Tenillo Guardians series

1- Sin's Enticement

2- Executioner’s Enthrallment

3- Pitbull’s Enslavement- coming September 1. 2021

Hunters Creek Archangel's Warriors MC

1- Bull’s Duchess

2- Rebel’s Firecracker

3- Ajax’s Nymph – coming September 9, 2021

ya'll seriously need to read these ladies books!! don't be scared they are WONDERFUL, AMAZING AND EPIC! I AM LITERALLY THEIR STALKER BITCH CUZ I AM HOOKED!!

and in case you didn't know this particular cover and book is about Faine's relatives!!! omg sooo good, i can't wait for more.

and thanks for checking in, hopefully i will continue to amaze and fall down rabbit holes ( omg the rabbits have swords and armour sooo fun)



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