Just in case you did not know i am going to ^^^^^^^^ this AMAZEBALLS get together with the amazing B.B. Blaque, and some amazeballs authors. due to the pandemic hitting, alot of authors had to cancel for this year........THAT IS OK!! those of us that are going can work on all the bugs, meet the people, get it more settled so that when we go NEXT YEAR (2022) HELLLS TO THE YEAH! it will be alot smoother.
I want to give a HUGE shout out. B.B. Blaque, has put her heart, her soul, her amazing personality and her life's blood into this expo! she has done an amazing job.
I have gotten to know her this last year and half. talking with her about all kinds of things, from books, to injuries we have to deal with the rest of our lives, to our pasts and to present and future friends.
I just want to say, she is my (ghost) sister. The one I wished i had when i was growing up, the one i wished i had now. She is a supporter, not a downer. she is a rock in the stormy ocean of the pandemic right now, and she is just wonderful. I honestly can't wait to hug her ( i am not a huggy person. no, wierd) but i really wanna give her a great big hug and snuggle and I want her to know that she is THE BEST! for coming up with this idea for the HOMC, for stressing herself out. hoping people will like it and wanna come to it.
She has had this planned since MAY OF 2019~~ seriously, we where talking about what an amazing time we had during the MMM19 in Austin, Tx in April 2019...... so in the middle of the night this amazing IDEA popped into her head. Why not have a MOTORCYCLE PARTY for the MOTORCYCLE ROMANCE AUTHORS!! i mean HELLO GENIUS MY NAME IS B.B.!!!

^^^^^ Pictured above is Joe Adams and Myself at MMM19, APRIL 2019, AUSTIN TX.
so she has this idea to get us all together, not just for a day.... but for an EXPERIENCE. on man! she is flippin brilliant! 4 days of hanging out with bikers ( have ya noticed that there are ALOT of bikers in Florida??)))
partying on the beach, with the authors, making new friends, even getting a tattoo to commemorate (ya know for us hard core!)
SO HERE I AM. Typing up at 2:30am this post. I will be leaving about 5pm my time (7pm in FL) and driving thru Texas (HI DARLENE TALLMAN!! AND LIBERTY PARKER))) and then getting to Venice Florida about Tuesday sometime.
I am waiting on the call from the Other half about how the cat's are loosing their shit. They all have seperation anxiety and honestly, the oldest 4 I could understand. i have had them since they where literally born. they never knew their mother. But i also have Thor he is about 15yrs old. and then i have Gypsy Rose and Hela Grey.....they are both feral strays that literally decided i was mom. and if i am not feeling well they come hunt me down to make sure i am still alive. sooo yeah this is gonna be interesting.
I will be doing short lives (if i can) while i am on this trip and while i am in Florida. My goal is to actually enjoy being in Florida since the last time i was there, i was stuck in my truck that had no a/c in august in tampa............. THIS WAS NOT FUN FOLKS and i couldn't leave my rig cuz it had "special" shit on it.
so come out and see us. we will be doing lives in the High Octane Author Experience 2021 Group on Facebook.
there will be some baskets going up for Raffle to help some awesome people. you might get to watch us all die while playing JELLO SHOT JENGA (who thought this was gonna be good for people who are already uncoordinated to be hammered to??? oh well more funny shit for me to laugh at)
I am donating a "New Mexico/Route 66" type basket. mine will have corn husks, masa, reciepe for Pork Tamales, HATCH green chili (frozen and canned cuz i had to pick "not yet ready" time for the fresh one's) Albuquerque Flour Tortilla Company Tortillas, i am finding a couple of things in Clines Corner's in NM and all this goes to someone. and all the money goes to a great cause!
shit was reminded that there is 505 fire roasted green chili also in that basket!
ANYWAY.... i hope that you all have an awesome week, sorry i haven't been posting much but. Beebs has been working her tail off (it's a cute booty) for the HOMC 2021 and i don't want to stress her out any further. I will be contacting Darlene Tallman our Author of the month for May, and getting her to send me some of her stuff. and i will be posting periodically on the site if i can get my phone to do it. At some point you would think i would somehow get a laptop.... yeah i barely make it every month so that ain't happening.
i want to say THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SHOW UP, WHO SUPPORT ME, AND READ MY RAMBLINGS. i can't wait to see what the next week shows. you all have a wonderful 14 days. and i will be back soon to chatter with the rest of ya'll
Love ya !!!

I'll see you there. 😁