I apologize to Raine Bishop and Tammy Carney. I went and got my 2nd covid shot thingy and holy shit it's kicking my ass. i got fever, chills, and everthing else to say, let's fuck with you some more..... ugg
anyway, ON to more Raine Bishop books.

She is coming out with a New book, check it out!!!!

and Just a bit about the author, that is amazeballs. I honestly don't know how she does it. a Single mom of 5 she is stronger than i am FOR SURE!
She is also a funny person.
Just a girl doing the thing she loves, writing books.
As a part-time writer and full-time ringleader of a five kid wild circus, Raine Bishop partakes in a lot of caffeine. When she opens her laptop, she’s transported into whichever world she is creating. She has a love of writing which includes novels, short stories, and anything else she can think of.
Her books are written in split points of view, allowing each character a turn to talk. The genres she writes are romance, thrillers, suspense, paranormal, and mafia, but the main thing she loves to put in her books is a splash of comedy. “I love having those one-liners that make you chuckle,” Raine says.
Writing has always been a passion of Raine Bishops, and she plans to continue that endeavor for however long she is able. Her first novel, Death Buys Me A Drink was published on Amazon in August of 2020, and is the first in its series. Rain Bishop’s second novel, Ghost For The Untamed was published in April of 2021 which is also the first novel in a separate series.