so I know there weren't alot of posts for this month. I TRIED! But May should be so awesome, it's Darlene Tallman, one of the most awesome People I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in person ( fan girl squeeling like a loon)
I got to meet Darlene on my way to High Octane... IT WAS EPIC! This is an amazeballs author, animal rescue activist, mom, grammie and all around nice lady. I will be getting as much as i can from her.
She has some amazing books. The RBMC which she co wrote with Liberty Parker got me hooked on her writing, and I fell in love with her. She is wonderful, awesome and amazing. The things this woman has been thru and come out the other side of is just awe inspiring.

just a heads up i stole this pic of Liberty Parker, Lloyd McFadden and Darlene Tallman.
Darlene is a very down to earth, wonderful woman with KITTEHS and a Bosco. I honestly can't wait to interview and promo her books. She just had one come out called Loki's Angel it's freakin amazeballs.
so that is all i got for right now, i will update when i get the goods. Thank you to all of you that are part of my blog to promote and learn about Authors in the Indie and non Indie world.