A fabulous new Indie Author, mom, waitress, and all around badass!
I should know, I can't handle people, and the woman is a GODDESS among mortals with 5 awesome kids and a Maine Coon!!! (love those kittehs)
so here is the 2nd part of her author interview and some pics of her pretty purrfect author partner!

I am emmensily sorry (pls forgive myspelling) the last few days have been a biatch w/ ghost peppers rubbed on it. I don't know, but i think i am the only human on the planet that can actually sprain her wrist and 3 fingers..........PICKING UP MY COFFEE CUP!....
Not to mention this website was having issues on me Monday, Tuesday AND wednesday..... then i spent literally from 4am till almost 7pm running around ALL DAY..... according to the "weather site at the airport" it was 94 degrees, everywhere else in town registered from 100-110 was an interesting day to say the least.. so without further ado and massive apologies.... THE REST OF THE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS!
Do you have a writer companion? What is he/she like?
No, but the kids keep me plenty of company. They are also my biggest cheerleaders. What is the scariest thing you face as a writer? How do you handle it?
The scariest thing would have to be once it’s all done and you send it to be read. Putting yourself and your work out there for others to read can be stomach dropping. Take a breath, remind myself that I am good enough. That I worked hard on this. That no matter what I wrote a book and should be proud of the fact that I did that.
Writers Block. Is it a problem and if so, what do you do to break through and start writing again? When the book isn’t speaking to me or flowing right, I read it again from the start. If the last chapter isn’t the right angle that I want to go on I delete it. If it still isn’t coming to me. Then sometimes I just write a nonsense story that has nothing to do with the current book. Just so that I keep putting words to paper.
Is there a book, movie, or song that inspires you when you’re working?
Each book I write I listen to a certain artist. It really isn’t inspiration so to speak. It mostly just gets me into the book and the zone.
As a writer, I’m sure you also love reading. Do you have a favorite book and what do you love about it?
I don’t think that I have a favorite book at all. I really enjoy reading all types of books and genres. I am really into supernatural books, or thrillers.
If someone told you tomorrow that you could no longer write and had to pick some other job, what would you choose and why?
Maybe being an editor (if I got better at it) just so I could still be around and part of books.
In addition to your writing, do you have another job that helps pay the bills? Is it something you consider to be your passion, or just something you feel you’re good at doing?
I work at a music hall as a cocktail server during concerts. I really do like that job a lot. It pays the bills but I also get to be around live music for a living.
If you have a designated writing space, can you describe it for us?
On my couch laptop on a pillow in my lap. Basically easy to get up and get the kids things that they need.
What do you think is the most important thing to remember when following your dreams? Never be ashamed of who you are as a person. Don’t bend to the world around you. Be you and be true to the person who you are. LOVE yourself.
Marketing. I know most authors have a love/hate relationship with it. Have you found that to be true, and do you have any recommendations for new or aspiring authors?
Find an amazing PA. One that is like family to you. Someone that is a lot like you and no matter what you can count on.
At what age did you know you wanted to be a writer, and how long did it take for you to realize that dream?
I didn’t know that I wanted to be a published author until way later in life. I think that it was the right time for me, I was finally ready to take my writing and become something.
What advice do you have for those who think they want to write professionally? Don’t ever think that you can’t do it. If you are passionate about it then do it. Don’t worry about how many books you can get out, or how fast you can do it. Just know that you are enough.
We know that you write romances. Do you write anything else, even if it’s under a different name?
Supernatural suspense mixed with comedy stuff. Then also Mafia family crime, suspense. I love throwing one-liners that make people giggle in my books. I think it helps to put my personality into them.
Movies. Books. Which do you prefer and what genre/trope do you lean toward the most when wanting to escape for a bit?
That is a hard one. I love to read books and if a movie has a book I will read and compare. Comedy, I escape with laughing.
If you were stuck on an uninhabited island, who would you want to have with you and why? What are the top five items you’d wish you had there?
A hammock for naps. A net to catch food in the water. A pot to boil water to drink. A book possibly titled 100 ways how to survive an uninhabited island to read. Probably a toothbrush.
Now, let’s talk a little about your current book… 1. What’s the title of your current release and is it part of a series?
Ghost For The Untamed. Yes this is book one of a series that I am writing.
2. Who published Ghost For The Untamed? Self published Raine Bishop
3. Your cover looks amazing. Do you know who the artist is? Yes!!! Krysti Dansby. Love her!
4. Was there something in particular that inspired you to write this story? Making a different type of Mafia family crime book. Where the bad guys aren’t the bad guys.
5. If there’s one thing a reader will take away from this story, what do you hope it is?
Change is okay. Emotions are okay and a part of you.
6. Any funny stories you can share about writing this book, or something that sparked the idea for it? The male protagonist Remy’s socks, he never wears “normal” socks. Those are all my socks. In all my books if you know me personally you will catch certain things that are me