so far August came in trying to kick my ass! i was so down that i couldn't even remember i needed to do this, hell i wasn't even near my computer for 3 days or so i think. SOOO let's go on with it. This Month's Spotlight Author/s are Cee Bowerman and Ciara St. James.
Have you read either of their books??!!! holy shit balls you really really should. at some point i wanna be Terra when i grow up... or maybe Autumn (that is outta Cee's Books) and now she has a collaboration going on with Ciara St. James who writes the Dublin Falls ArchAngel Warriors MC.
THAT IS ALOT OF BADASS! so i have some pics for you to check out. now mind you i want you all to know that seriously, i took and removed that right clicky thing.
So right now these two very talented ladies are writing a collab set in a small down in Texas. With Cee Bowerman writing about the Time Served MC, and Ciara St. James writing about the Arie's Infedels MC. And can i say holy smokes batman! these men are HOT, Alpha and awesome???
So during the next 31 days, sorta, i will be delving into the minds of these 2 amazing ladies about their passion for writing about those amazeballs men!
