So far August has hated me with the passion of a million suns and a large black hole. So on to other things, (hopefully i will stay semi well to be able to deal with them)
Cee Bowerman has a new book out!!!! OMG her Time Served MC along with Ciara St. James' Aries Infedels is epically awesome! Have you read the Knights or Kings series?? how about the Dublin Falls MC series?? how amazing are these ladies? i mean i personally just fall into their worlds and never wanna leave (i wanna come out as fictosexual aka attracted to a fictional character cuz holy smoly)
SO going on, check out her new release!! it's about Chef and Brea...... seriously kick ass female and 1 really hot dude!

AND Ciara St. James has Pitbull coming out in her Aries Infedels series. i can't wait!! can you?? next up AUTHOR QUESTIONS, cuz i am a dork.... lol i am really sorry but i have been running this massive fever (lowest was 100.5 and highest was 105.4 for DAYS!!! i swear fevers are now NSAID resistant!!) so i am attempting to get over wtf ever i have

no cover reveal yet for PitBull, but don't worry, get yourself emersed in the Aries Infedel's MC world and fall in love with some Fictional Alpha Men that are hotter than a tire fire!